Wednesday, 25 March 2015

evaluation diamond hunt project

Diamond hunt project evaluation
Overall i think that i did quite well on this project, although i found it quite challenging to figure out some of the instructions on scratch, i did enjoy this assessment and did to the best of my ability, i misssed one or two lessons but managed to catch up in the end.

test and evaluate code

Test and evaluate code
Lesson Objective:
  • test your program works
  • evaluate how well your game works
On my assessment i got 5/12.
Today i completed my word document which is the piece that will be assessed, and i also completed the actual Diamond hunt game.
I also sent my Diamond Hunt project on Edmodo to 9KHB.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

test and evaluate code

Test and evalute code
Lesson objective:
  • test your program works
  • evaluate how well your game works
This lesson i have completed a worksheet called fixed loops, we had to follow instructions and draw different shapes and angles. You also had to look at a shape an guess the angles on the instructions, it was quite hard and complicated. But i came late because of self appraisal. I learn't how to follow instructions to create new shapes and angles.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

creating code

Creating code
learning objective:
  • creating code for the 5 objectives
Finally post
  • your progress during lesson
  • what you have achieved
  • what you have learnt

Today I have nearly finished my coding,
I still have to make the miner say "I win" when the diamond is equal to 5.
My game does work and is nearly completed.
I have achieved a lot of work and it all works successfully.
Today I have learnt how to make the score go up until 5 and then stop, because the game is finished.